Sermon Preview – Week of March 27

This Sunday the preaching text will be Jonah 1:17-2:10. This text contains the most scrutinized verse in the whole book (1:17), and in a lot of ways the attention given to the verse is misplaced. What kind of fish was it? It had to be a whale, right? How could a human being survive in the belly of giant fish? It’s not that asking questions of the text is wrong, but if we narrow our gaze too much we can miss the point we are intended to take away. Jonah comes to a very clear conclusion on the whole ordeal, and we find that conclusion in 2:9, “Salvation belongs to the Lord!”. So, when we read this text, both the historical accounting and Jonah’s poetic psalm, we are meant to be drawn into seeing the Lord, who is gracious and mighty to save. And, like Jonah, we are to be thankful and pleased to worship Him. May we see, know and worship Him as we work through the text this week!

Sermon Title: “Salvation Belongs To The Lord!”

Sermon Text: Jonah 1:17-2:10

Meditation Passage: Psalm 119:73-80

Call To Worship: Isaiah 43:1-3a

Benediction: Revelation 1:4-6

Songs For Sunday:

Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing

Be Thou My Vision

Grace Greater Than All Our Sin

Dear Refuge Of My Weary Soul

He Will Hold Me Fast

My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness

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