Weekly Roundup For Your Weekend Reading – August 11

Congregational Worship Should Be Peculiar

Please read this! So much wisdom and encouragement in this article. So many great sentences. Ill mention a several…

“Variety may be the spice of life, but it’s not the substance.”

“But just as these individual habits do something to us, so it is with our congregational habits: they’re making us into something.”

“Doing this Sunday after Sunday, month after month, year after year, changes us. As with the habits we described earlier, our corporate routines — the singing, listening, confessing, praying — fit us for another world.”

“We won’t win the world by looking like it or by fitting in, but by being different — by our peculiarity.”

Why Most Of Us Hate Silence

“Charles Spurgeon, the old Baptist preacher, explains why. “Quietude, some men cannot abide,” he says, “because it reveals their inner poverty….”

Seven Ways To Pray For Your Heart

“Over the years, as I’ve prayed for my own heart, I’ve accumulated seven Ds that I have found helpful. Maybe you’ll find them helpful as well….”

Reading God’s Handwriting

A beautifully written article on how we can interact with God’s providence.

“Reading God’s providences is like reading God’s sentences. Ah, but these sentences aren’t typed like scripture—fixed and clear in its wording. Nor are these sentences like the brush strokes of creation. These sentences are in God’s handwriting. Handwriting in a journal, in a live book. Some of the sentences aren’t finished yet… We read the start of them, but we can’t figure out where they are going. We try to finish them in our minds, but we can’t figure it out. They start with dark storms and thunderous overtones, and we can’t see where the light gets in. These unfinished sentences are some of God’s hard providences where he hasn’t unveiled the end or purpose of his actions. We wonder over them. Of course, he has told us the end of the story (Rom 8:28) but not the end of the sentence, and so we ponder… But maybe it’s best to stand back and let the author finish his sentence his way, rather than for us to try to read his mind. We know his heart and we have to leave the sentences there with him….”


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