Devotion in Trials

“The insolent smear me with lies,
but with my whole heart I keep your precepts;” Psalm 119.69

The psalmist returns to a repeated theme here: the usefulness of God’s word for believers living in a fallen world. He speaks again of the world’s attacks, derisions, and false accusations. These people try to smear him with lies, with false accusations against his character. Yet, he is not worried. He is whole-heartedly devoted to the Word of God, to obeying what it says.

Keep in mind the psalmist’s focus in this stanza. Here he is extolling the goodness of God, the kindness of God toward him. He expresses that in this verse by pointing out how the Lord’s word guides him and comforts him in the face of false accusations from worldly enemies.

Whatever we face in the world, whatever attacks come our way, we have the unchanging word of God to guide our steps and capture the affections of our heart. This is an example of God’s great kindness to us. Let us praise him for this kindness and renew our devotion to the Lord and his word.

Take time to consider your devotion to God’s word, particularly in times of trial. How do your thoughts, attitudes, and actions display a devotion to the precepts of God? When others attack you, how do you turn to Scripture for guidance and comfort?

Gracious God and King, we praise you for your word. We thank you for the guidance and comfort you supply through Scripture. We thank you for guarding us against the attacks of the world. May we ever live to your praise. Amen.

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