Hope for the Weary Soul

“My soul longs for your salvation;
I hope in your word.” Psalm 119.81

As the psalmist continues through this inspired epic about God’s word, it’s as though he’s beholding a rare jewel. Each stanza highlights one aspect of Scripture, as though the jeweler is describing each facet of a rare gem. With this verse, he opens a new stanza with a statement of pure longing. His soul longs for salvation.

As we have walked through this psalm verse by verse, it might help us here to be reminded that we’re approaching the half-way point. This is the final stanza of the first half, and in many ways, it’s a crescendo of the psalmist’s struggle—the darkest point. He has spoken much of his struggles living as a sojourner in this fallen world. He has sung of his enemies and their attacks. Through it all, God’s word has been a comfort and guide in that darkness.

Still, the darkness surrounds him, and he cries out to God for salvation. It’s as though his very soul is fainting with weariness, so he longs for the Lord to save him. And he finds hope that he will see such salvation. He finds that hope in the word of God. Just as this stanza serves as the pinnacle of the psalmist struggle, it also highlights the chief blessing found in Scripture—Salvation!

Are you wrestling with the darkness of the world, facing persecutions, attacks, and the wages of sin? Have you experienced salvation? Have you put your faith in trust in the Savior, the one to whom all of Scripture points to, Jesus Christ? If you are a believer, how do you find hope in God’s word? How does his word comfort you when darkness seems to surround you?

Heavenly Father, our souls can only find rest in you. Teach us, O Lord, to hope in your word. May your truth be a guide and comfort to us in the darkest of nights. May we live in praise of your glorious grace. Amen.

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