Life in God’s Steadfast Love

“Consider how I love your precepts!
Give me life according to your steadfast love.” Psalm 119.159

This verse highlights the main theme of this stanza: The psalmist desire that the Lord look on him and deliver him. To open this stanza, he asked the Lord to look on his affliction and deliver him. Here, he asks the Lord to consider his love for God’s precepts and give him life.

Again, he bases his appeal in what he knows to be true about God. He knows that God is his source of deliverance. He knows that God is abounding in steadfast love. This knowledge flows from his divinely-given understanding of God’s Word.

When we know the Word of God, we know God. We learn of his love, his covenant-keeping lovingkindness, because of how he has revealed himself in Scripture. God’s Word is true, and it reveals the true, loving God. In him we have hope.

How has God revealed himself to you in his Word? How often do you meditate on the truths of his character revealed in Scripture—his love, righteousness, holiness, power, might, grace, mercy? In what ways do you allow your biblical knowledge of him to direct your prayers?

Gracious Lord, give us a deeper love for your precepts. Grant us a better understanding of who you are and what you desire of your children, that we might walk in your ways. Lead us, O Lord, that our lives may bring you praise. Amen.

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