Loving God’s Word

“For I find my delight in your commandments,
which I love.” Psalm 119.47

The psalmist has spoken of the salvation found in God’s Word, the liberty it provides, and the courage it gives him to speak before powerful men—all in just a few verses of this song praising God’s inspired revelation. Is there any wonder that what follows is delight—a deep love for the Word of God?

When we have truly grasped the Word of God, the truth therein, and its power in our lives, our heart should overflow with love and delight. As we continue through this psalm, we’ll read again and again of the psalmists love for biblical truth. This is consistent with what Christ taught about the connection between love of God and the love of his commandments (1 John 5.2-3). Those who truly love God love his commandments. His words are not a burden; they are a delight.

So, what is your delight? How does your life display a love for the commandments of the Lord? What in your life displays a delight in God and his Word? Are you eager to study and obey Scripture? Or do you find it difficult to delight in his teaching? When you’re reading Scripture, do you find yourself captivated by it? Are you eager to spend time meditating on it?

Lord, give us the desires of our heart. Cause our hearts and minds to be captivated by your truth. Set your testimonies ever before us, that we might rejoice in you, that we might grow in our love for your truth, and that our lives might display loving, faithful obedience. Amen.

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