Sermon Preview – Week of November 6

The preaching text for Sunday will be John 7:1-24. This chapter transitions us from Jesus’ ministry in Galilee to Jesus’ return to Judea. The unmistakable trajectory we see over the next few chapters is the escalating hatred for and opposition to Jesus that will ultimately lead to his arrest, trial and execution. Our text this week gives us insight into the rampant unbelief that is on display, ranging from angry opponents to Jesus’ own brothers. Again, “belief” is the major theme that runs throughout this Gospel account. John is writing and giving an account of Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection so that readers and hearers may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. If belief is that important, then it must also be important for us to understand what unbelief is, not just forms of unbelief, but what the heart of unbelief actually is and where it comes from. This is crucial for us as well, in our fight against sin and for holiness we need to know how to evaluate our hearts. Why do we struggle to believe in certain areas? When it comes to certain things? What’s going on when we say no to God’s way and yes to our own? Most importantly though, what is the remedy for unbelief? How do we address it in our hearts and see it overcome in our lives? May the Lord give us eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to understand and hearts to love Him and obey His Word!

Sermon Title: “Diagnosing Unbelief”

Sermon Text: John 7:1-24

Meditation Passage: Leviticus 23:33-44

Call To Worship: Psalm 67

Benediction: Romans 15:13

Songs For Sunday:

Let The Nations Be Glad

All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name

Dear Refuge Of My Weary Soul

See The Destined Day Arise

Christ Is Mine Forevermore

Christ The Sure And Steady Anchor


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