The Blessing of Obedience

“This blessing has fallen to me,
that I have kept your precepts.” Psalm 119.56

The psalmist comes to the end of this seventh stanza of this profound celebration of God’s Word. As he does, he pauses to recognize the blessing he has received. He fully realizes that this blessing is not earned. He did not come to this point of his sanctification of by his own effort and grit. Rather, he sees it as the providence of God, a blessing that God has caused to fall upon him.

Think of all that has preceded this verse in the psalm. The poet opens by singing of the blessing of living life according to God’s Word. He spoke of the Word’s power to purify the believer’s life, guide him as a sojourner on this fallen planet, guard him from sin and sinful attacks, and bring comfort. All of this he sees as a blessing, as God’s kind providence to him. In fact, he affirms that his obedience—that he could keep the precepts of God—was a sign of God’s blessing.

This verse lays before us a model of faithful obedience. Our sanctification, our growth in godliness, is a work of God. It is his blessing to us, one for which we should be thankful. It is also a blessing for which God gets all of the honor and glory.

How have you seen growth in your life? Since you first believed on Christ, how have you grown in your understanding of biblical truth and how it applies to your life? Take time to thank God for that rich blessing, for transforming you into Christlikeness.

Gracious Father, we have nothing of our own merit. Apart from your kindness and grace to us, we would still be lost and depraved. Thank you, Lord, for working in our lives. May we ever recognize and praise you for the blessings of sanctification. Amen.

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