The Bounty of Grace

“Deal bountifully with your servant,
that I may live and keep your word.” Psalm 119.17

To this point in the psalmist’s exaltation of God’s Word, he’s offered exalted praise of the blessings of living according to God’s Word. He has also prayed as a youth longing to keep his way pure. In this third section, the poet prays as one walking the dangerous path of life in a fallen world.

He opens this section with yet another expression of dependence. He fully acknowledges that life—especially a life that keeps God’s Word—is only possible when the Lord deals bountifully with him. The generous grace of God is our only source of life and faithfulness. His bountiful mercy enables obedience.

The psalmist makes no claim of his own merit. He recognizes that his very life and his ability to keep God’s Word hangs on God’s bountiful blessings. The same is true of us. As those who’ve rebelled against God from birth, every breath is a gift of his grace. Every step we take in accordance with God’s truth is an example of his profound mercy. If God were not guiding our steps, we would surely fall.

How have you seen the grace of God in your life? Do you recognize your complete dependence on God’s bountiful mercy and grace? How is your life filled with praise of that mercy and grace?

Thank you, Father, for your marvelous grace. Deal bountifully with us that we might live, that we might worship you with upright hearts, and that our obedience might reveal your grace to the world around us.

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