The Diligent Walk

“You have commanded your precepts
to be kept diligently.” Psalm 119.4

Having described the unparalleled blessings of having a blameless way, walking in the law of the Lord, observing His testimonies, seeking Him with their whole heart, doing no unrighteousness, and walking in God’s ways, the psalmist moves on to emphasize the reason for that path of blessing.

The reason that aligning our lives with the Word of God is such a sure path to blessing is that God has commanded, or ordained, His precepts. God has established that His Word is the best path to life, godliness, and blessing. He didn’t establish some other book, finding its source in humanity, as the path to blessing. He established His book, His Word, His special revelation of Himself and His ways. Scripture is described in Psalm 19 as perfect, sure, right, pure, clean, true, more desirable than gold, sweeter than honey. God has established His Word, his perfect, inerrant, sufficient revelation.

The Lord has also commanded that we should walk in them diligently. The Word of God is not a suggestion to be regarded lightly. It is the path of life and blessing that should be followed diligently, fastidiously, with great devotion.

Have you spent time dwelling on and appreciating the divine origin of Scripture? How often does that truth affect your response to the Word and your zeal to obey it?

O sovereign Father, may our devotion to You and Your word be increased and ever increasing. May we diligently seek Your wisdom to guide our lives, for your glory and praise. Amen.

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