The Testimony of Purity

“With my lips I declare
all the rules of your mouth.” Psalm 119.13

Scripture tells us that the contents of our hearts flow from our mouths (Luke 6.45). The psalmist affirms that truth here. Just a few verses prior, he declared his devotion to God’s Word—he has stored up Scripture in his heart. Here, we see that treasured Word flow from his heart out of his mouth.

Charles Spurgeon elaborates on Scripture’s teaching regarding the tongue. “By teaching we learn; by training the tongue to holy speech we master the whole body; by familiarity with divine procedure we are made to delight in righteousness; and thus in a threefold manner our way is cleansed by our proclaiming the way of the Lord.”

As we study the Bible, guard our lives according to what it says, store up its truth in our hearts, and receive the Lord’s teaching, we ought not be able to contain our testimony. As we see Scripture bear fruit in our lives, may it dominate our speech. May we be ever faithful to declare the Word of God to a lost, dying world.

How is the proclamation of Scripture’s truth seen in your life? Do you meditate on and treasure God’s Word to the point that it affects the content of your speech, the topic of your conversations? May the words of our mouth be to the praise of God, faithfully proclaiming his Word.

Heavenly Father, we pray that you would set a guard over our mouth. Protect us, dear Lord, from foul, foolish, vain speech. May our mouths sing forth your praise and the truth of your Word.

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