Week of January 16

This Sunday we continue our study through the book of Philippians, and our text will be Philippians 4:8-9. Paul is delivering the “last things” he needs to communicate to his beloved friends in Philippi before closing the letter. In our text last week (4:2-7) we saw Paul bringing multiple exhortations and connecting them to a promise, the promise of the peace of God. Now, in our text this week we see Paul doing the same thing. He is going to deliver two exhortations, one about “thinking” and the other about “practicing”. These exhortations are important because they deal with the way we think and the way we live, which should tell us that one has to do with the other. In other words, we don’t think one way and live another. The way we think will be the way that we live. The things we think about, or dwell upon will inevitably be represented in the way we live.  Like we saw last week, Paul will connect these two exhortation to a promise very similar to the one we see in 4:7. Paul’s aim is for the Church to stand firm in the Lord in this world as they await Christ’s return and these exhortations are how they do that. Equally important though are the promises, because the promises are the power by which God’s people exercise the obedience of faith and they give the hope necessary for God’s people to persevere until Christ returns.  May God’s truth dwell in us, and may we dwell upon God’s truth so that it works its way from head to heart to hands and feet!


Sermon Title: “Think On These Things And These Things Practice”

Sermon Text: Philippians 4:8-9

Meditation Passage: Luke 14:25-33

Call To Worship: Isaiah 6:1-8

Benediction: 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24


Songs For Sunday

All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name

Holy, Holy, Holy

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Behold Our God

Not In Me

Be Thou My Vision


Important Reminder and Announcement

Ladies Bible Study

Women’s Bible study this Wednesday, January 18th from 6:30-8:00pm. Please pick up a handout for the book of Esther chapter 5-6 located on the table in the back of the auditorium.

Weekly Roundup For Your Weekend Reading

I am going to be putting together a new weekly resource for you to take advantage of. Every week I will compile several articles ranging in topic from doctrine/theology to marriage, parenting and family to the gospel in relation to social issues and post them to this blog. You may not agree with every article, that really isn’t the point. The point is to edify the body, to create another context where we can fix our minds on things that matter, thinking about things that are excellent and praiseworthy, and to spur on conversations with one another and those around us concerning issues related to God’s Word and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please be on the look out for this email every Friday!

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