Weekly Roundup For Your Weekend Reading – February 24


Keeping Short Accounts

I think this is always an appropriate topic, but it is uniquely appropriate this week as we prepare to participate in the Lord’s Supper on Sunday.

“In the Christian life, we are–as the Puritans used to say–to “keep short accounts with God and men.” So, what do short accounts look like in the Christian life? Here are a few thoughts…”

Boring Church Services Changed My Life

“When I think back on the simple routines—the liturgies—that changed my life, I’m encouraged in my own pastoral role. I’m reminded afresh that the work of ministry is not so much about finding new, tantalizing ways to make people excited about Jesus, but about the timeless rituals that shape their hearts. Because somewhere in your congregation are children singing words they don’t know, listening to Scripture they don’t understand, and fighting sleep during a sermon that doesn’t hold their interest. They don’t realize it yet, but the Spirit of God is pressing the gospel message, through yet another “boring” church service, deep within their hearts…”

When The One You Love Is Wayward

“Prodigals need more than tough love; they need a rugged love. A love that’s bold yet redemptive, forceful yet forgiving, gallant yet gospel-based. Think of it as love with teeth. For prodigals to change, those who love them must exercise a courageous love. They must have conviction and a clear conscience. To love a wayward rebel, you need a rugged love rooted in the hope of God’s promises…”

The Fairness Of God?

It is worth reading this short piece to the very end…the last line is a game-changer in the way we should think!

“Two men live radically different lives. One is morally good, reasonably honest, seeks to help those around him—an all-round nice guy. The other is a rogue: utterly depraved, vilely immoral, with a string of convictions, and a litany of broken people and promises trailing behind him. On his death-bed the second man asks God for forgiveness. The first sees no great need. According to Jesus, one man gets Heaven, the other Hell. The repentant degenerate finds forgiveness; the other man finds judgment. It doesn’t seem fair. How can God be a God of justice if that’s the case?…”


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