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Live Generously
None of the work we do at our church would be possible without God moving the hearts of our people to give. Your generosity helps create a church where people feel welcomed, lead, and loved—a place where life-changing stories are being written every week. On behalf of those stories, thank you for giving from your heart.
Give Now
Ways to Give
Give on Sunday
We do not pass an offering plate. We fully trust that God will meet the needs of His Church. We have an offering box at the back of the Sanctuary. You are welcome to place your offering in the box as you feel led to give. Offering envelopes are provided for those who would like a record of the giving for tax purposes.
Give Online
Online Donation
To give online to the church, go to our Online Donation Form. You can also choose to log in to set up recurring donations and access saved pay methods from your donor profile. Note that if you choose to give via debit card, a fee will be applied to the church. You will have the option to cover the cost of this fee along with your donation. If instead you choose to set up an online bank transfer, then a significantly lower fee will be applied. For additional information on how to give online, watch the tutorial video below.
Text Message
Text-to-Give is a quick way for you to give online via text message. Simply text the amount you want to give to the number 84321. Note that there is some setup required the first time you give using this method. For additional information on how to give via text message, watch the tutorial video below.