An End to Evil

“You spurn all who go astray from your statutes,
for their cunning is in vain.” Psalm 119.118

Evil—whether blasphemy, greed, pride, injustice, murder, false witness, sloth, lust, immorality—has its divinely appointed end. The word of God teaches us that God will bring all evil to an end, ultimately judging evil and ushering his own into a glorious eternity with him.

This truth necessarily means that all evil, regardless of how it may seem to thrive now, will be spurned by the Lord. The toil and work of evildoers, all of their crafty scheming, is in vain. The psalmist celebrates that truth in this verse.

Friend, what is true in an ultimate sense is also true in your life, particularly. If you’re seeing evil seem to abound, if you’re facing the craftiness of the world, sin, and the devil, take heart. Know that their cunning is in vain. The Lord has spurned their evil and will bring all things into judgment. Rejoice in this truth. Rest in this truth. Praise our righteous God and King!

How often do you remind yourself of and rejoice in God’s ultimate plans to end evil and unrighteousness? What does this plan to end all unrighteousness reveal about the eternal nature of God and the temporal nature of evil? How does this truth bring you comfort in your day-to-day life?

Heavenly Lord, you are sovereign and eternal. Your righteousness is everlasting. We give you praise, for we know that all evil and cunning is in vain. Your sovereign will reigns over all, and you will bring an end to all unrighteousness. Teach us to rejoice in and find comfort in this truth, O Lord. Amen.

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