Freedom in the Word

“And I shall walk in a wide place,
for I have sought your precepts.” Psalm 119.45

This verse highlights another repeated theme of this masterpiece of the Psalms. As the poet continues to proclaim his devotion to the Word of God, he highlights the freedom that such devotion brings. Because he is committed to the precepts of God, he walks in a wide place. This is not to say that the way of truth is easy. Rather it is an expression of the freedom brought by living faithfully according to God’s Word.

Spurgeon says it this way: “The Spirit of holiness is a free Spirit; he sets people at liberty and enables them to resist every effort to bring them under subjection. The more we seek after the perfection of our obedience, the more we shall enjoy complete emancipation from every form of spiritual slavery.”

The Word of God provides freedom from slavery to sin. The testimonies of God reveal the path to salvation. They are the only source of true freedom.

Are you walking in that freedom? In what ways does your life testify to the freedom found in Christ? How are you walking in freedom, and how are you walking in Sin? Take time for confession, asking the Lord to help you walk in the freedom that he provides, the path of salvation and sanctification revealed in Scripture.

Heavenly father, there is salvation in you and you alone. Guide us in your truth, reveal to us your salvation, and show us the joy of living according to your precepts. May your name be praised in all that we do. Amen.

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