Love and Hate

“I hate the double-minded,
but I love your law.” Psalm 119.113

With this, the psalmist opens a new stanza. This section will set forth a number of contrasts between the psalmist, who’s devoted to the word of God, and the wicked enemies surrounding him. The contrast is clear from the outset of the stanza. He hates the double-minded—that is the vain hypocrite. He loves the law.

It’s hard to think of any stronger contrast than that between love and hate. That contrast is also seen in the objects of each emotion. There is great contrast between the vain hypocrisy of the world and the law of God. 

The double-minded are no good to the psalmist. Their cunning is in vain, for they are unable to overcome the Lord’s defense. The law of God, in contrast, is of supreme good to the poet. They are his comfort, defense, the steady ground on which he stands.

Consider for a minute whether your life reflects a hatred of the vain hypocrisy in the world and a love for the law of God. Which do you devote more of your time and attention to? Are you more entertained by the world—whether it be in the form of movies, television, news, politics, sports, tabloid gossip, or any other vain thing—than you are devoted to the word of God?

Gracious Father, your word is our delight. In your kindness, O Lord, turn our hearts from the vanity and hypocrisy that surrounds us. Teach us to love your Law, O God, that our lives might be aligned with your revelation. Amen.

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